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Morgenstern is the queen of helping people put their lives in order.”
- Deirdre Donahue, USA Today
“Morgenstern is a house whisperer, and able to tame the most tangled mess, all the while calming and enchanting the person trapped beneath its crushing weight.”
Lisa Kogan, “O” , The Oprah Magazine

“After your on-air segment, the newsroom was abuzz with how good you were and how much everyone had learned. Thanks for making the piece a success.”
-Susan Schiller, Senior Producer, CBS This Morning.



August 29, 2011

Sept. 2, 2010 - Part II



The Power of Moms
Click to listen to podcast: " Deliberate Organizing with Julie Morgenstern – Episode"



Julie Morgenstern on CNN Saturday Morning - 12/6/2008

Julie Morgenstern on The Today Show

Julie Morgenstern on The Today Show

Tracy Anderson Method: Time Management with Julie Morgenstern, Life Coach
Julie Morgenstern SHEDs on Good Morning America

"SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life" by Julie Morgenstern -- FOX & FRIENDS 3/15/09
Ultimate Organisation - Julie Morgenstern can help
The Gregory Mantell Show -- Never Check Email in the Morning


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